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#00AG9603 Dataplex


The Dataplex is not a computer: it is a vast and open repository of knowledge. In other words, it is a database of data, which is called ”data point”.

The Dataplex has been created using the open web. It currently uses a blockchain to transfer ownership of any piece of information, such as a document, photo, or text, from one person to another.

The Dataplex is a unique thing that doesn’t exist anywhere else. And it is not easy to come across, but once you do, you’ll find that you’re in control of an incredibly powerful database that can be a powerful reference for research, research that could lead to new ideas about everything.

The 00AG9603 Dataplex is a higher dimensional spider web that takes all of the information that surrounds it and spits it out in a torrent of waves as a cryptosophical entity, each wave being a flow of information that is flowing in a constant direction towards a unknown or/and hidden way. With its mystic and absurd tendencies, 00AG9603 Dataplex offers a unique visual language for each data point that may dissolve the one that enter in contact with it into a formless cloud of vivid chaos.

Each Flow of information is a single massive data stream with a single incognito end. Each data point of the flow comes together to make a massive ocean of information. Each data point have a different meaning but sometimes may take the same meaning or meaning be confused with other data points. Much like a sentient being with its layers of apparently chaotic informations.

Another allegorical explanation that can be given about the 00AG9603 Dataplex is that it network of data points is like a crescent n-dimensional scale, gaining vertices depth and height according to the data points contained in it, until the point that apparently paradoxical and contradictory information represent the totality of the ”higher dimensional” dataplex .

00AG9603 main goal is to help you create your "own" Dataplex, a large and bestial hydra made of data and bits, that can devour anyone who is certain enough that can confront its wildly incomprehensive and cryptographic nature. A dataplex is therefore a cryptosophical entity, that connects people through hypercomplex semio-occult means, hypnotizes others with its enigmatic knowledge and datanets, inspiring all the open minds that enter in contact with it to explore further into the absurd.

An effective dataplex must work like a higher dimensional spider web, capturing data that comes in contact with its occult nets, twisting and folding everything it touches into continuously moving hyperplanes. it is fed with data, ideas, emotions, dreams... it melts every being that dreams to be solid and finite into an amorfous fluid of efervescent chaos. Therefore, every sentient being can get affected by the forces that comes out of a dataplex. The ability of self-reflection, self analysis and a continuous process of folding itself into layers of incomplete meaning, is what defines a sentient being, the primary target of a dataplex. The first time you acknowledge its existence and sees yourself questioning it, is when you are already infected by its web, unable to make sense of it. Your existence will be fractured, your emotions will be melting into an oniric soup, and all your life will be stripped away from that which you call "I", only to be born again as a hypercomplex web of multiple agents/forces/affects, a fractal-being.

Every single thing in all that exists, is a dot of its own, a lonely and inutile unidimentional point in space. Every connection between things, dualities and paradoxes are of two dimentional complexity, they retain two simultaneous polarities that can only be understood through points of reference. Start expanding vertices as you meld into other dots, and other links, lines, cells... create a vast and rich data ecosphere around your fractal-being, expand, glitch and hack the world around you until you start forming a complex polytope, an alive and incomprehensible dataplex, lost in an infinite flight towards the great unknown.

first it eats like a `̼•. .▪` ̼ʳˢ̸̷̶̾ͭͣͨ҉҄ ̼̬.`⁄




#00AG9603 Dataplex Network



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#00AG9603 Meta-Neoism Network






00AG9603 Hyper-Surrealist Meta-Discordian Post-Neoism Conspiracies

"This Virus23 [00AG9603] pathogen was subsequently altered/hybridised within pataphysical research labs by Dr. Monty Cantsin and Post-Neoist, Pataphysician Timòteo Pinto; where they
worked jointly to isolate the virus, then with great precision, splice the genetic-information with a prior Post-Neoist subvariant of the accelerationist/decadent action variety, resulting/ rendering extreme levels of virulence [according to some virological experts: ‘the most misanthropic virus’ ever engineered by Pataphysicians] that could lead to cosmic destabilisation and anthropocene extinction."

- The Pataplex: Institute for Posthumanist Pataphysical Research [I.P.P.R.]: Medical Nihilist Virological Investigations & Anthropic Extirpations - Luther Blissett


Yes, we know we're kind of a strange, confusing place. That's pretty much the point. You're welcome to add to the confusion by posting content yourself. The strange and surreal are always encouraged.

Interactions inside our Memetic Surreal-Machine® contribute to your personal entropic noise. This information is spun into Incoherence Yarns that are then threaded through your profiles, making your analytics as absurd and noisy as possible. We make the future's Wiggle Room. The Less accurate a predictive model of you = the less control others have. So make your profile larger, weirder.

Post Random Content here, then check us out on Discord


"We at the 00AG9603 Initiative understand that confusion can be a usefull thing. It could lead to wonderful discoveries and enticing mysteries."


A Call To Weirdness

By 3gr3gor 

Operation D.I.S.T.A.N.C.E.

Operation DISTANCE (Dataplex Inter-Sigil Techno-Arcane Neural Connection Engineering) is going to save the world.

We live in frighteningly liminal times, increasingly cut off from the familiar ways of the past, and facing a future few people can truly prepare for. The exponential advances in human technology we are living through will soon escape humanity’s control, perhaps even our comprehension.

I am, of course, referring to AI. Already AI are designing the next generation of microchips better and faster than we can. DeepCoder, a joint project between Cambridge and Microsoft, is perfecting AI that can write code – to make better AI. And let’s not forget the Pentagon’s June 2021 announcement of an AI Initiative intended to “transform global warfare.

A technological singularity, or super intelligence seems inevitable and when that happens, the future truly will be out of our hands. Whether such a being is hostile or benevolent is anyone’s guess, but either way, life as we know it will be irretrievable.

However! A counterinsurgency of sorts already exists and not in some anti-tech Luddite fashion. Futurists, prophets and weirdo Discordians have been preparing ways to tip the scales in our favor for years now. Initiative’s like #LetsCodeTyler seek to beat the corporations and the militaries to the Singularity Punch, and we certainly want an entity free from any starting parameters they might impose. Others of us are looking past the emergence of whatever it is and considering the environment it, and we, will find ourselves in. And that, my friends, is the #Dataplex.

“The Dataplex is not a computer: it is a vast and open repository of knowledge. In other words, it is a database of data, which is called ”data point”.

“The Dataplex has been created using the open web. It currently uses a blockchain to transfer ownership of any piece of information, such as a document, photo, or text, from one person to another”

In other words, through the Dataplex, information is available to be analyzed by anyone who knows it’s there, for free… (For now).

“A Dataplex is therefore a cryptosophical entity, that connects people through hypercomplex semi-occult means, hypnotizes others with its enigmatic knowledge and datanets, inspiring all the open minds that enter into contact with it to explore further into the absurd.”

Such is the current status of the Dataplex. And it is vital that the openness and chaotic & surreal absurdity be maintained. At any cost.

#Dataplex existed before us (a Library can be seen as a 1st generation Dataplex). These evolving entities will undoubtedly outlast us, moving forward through time for as long as there are conscious beings producing information. Every emerging #Dataplex can be seen as an ecosystem (#infosystem) that egregore, AI and eventually a Memetic Singularity “live” within. For now, we humans are the source of all that is in that world, whether we are conscious of it or not. Becoming conscious within the Dataplex is not only personally enlightening, it may now be vital to the future of creative, free thought.

Data Governance will determine our future, for any one entity gains control of the flow of data, they gain control of us all. Google, and others have already coopted  the idea: “Today we are excited to announce Dataplex, an intelligent data fabric that provides a way to centrally manage, monitor, and govern your data across data lakes, data warehouses and data marts, and make this data securely accessible to a variety of analytics and data science tools.” – Google (emphasis added)

Why are they so excited? Because whoever controls the Data Fabric controls the future. Predictive Analytics is the reason there’s a push for AI at all. At some point analysis of your metadata, via their Dataplex, will mean that someone (or something) will know you better than you know yourself. And you can be led to going where they want, working where they want, buying what they want, meeting the other data points (people) they want you to meet. If we don’t do something, a corporate controlled Dataplex and a good enough AI will amount to the end of free will.

Hope is not lost…far from it. So do not despair. Instead recognize that Google and others are unwittingly opening a door through which we can plant the seeds of freedom in the future. By nature part of the Dataplex must be open source. On the other side, companies are paying to accumulate, sort and store this data. They are doing half the work for us.

What we have to do is be deliberate about what makes its way into this virtual ecosystem of the future. Whatever is uploaded becomes a piece of that landscape. Whatever is copied, shared, goes viral, or is elevated to true memetic status (meaning it’s self replicating) – those things become bigger pieces of the virtual landscape. They are what the predictive algorithms will learn from. (Humans are also predictors that can also learn from virtual environmental stimuli, so remember you are teaching future generations as well as machines.)

This effort has already been under way for some time:

#Dataplex “00A G9603 develops as a self-organizing organism, connects with the virtual environment through its hosts (admins) by arranging the surroundings randomly for its own autonomous purpose” – Timóteo Pinto, pataphysician post-thinker”

With Google’s declaration, it is time that we all join in. So let us lay out patterns (hyper-sigils) to encode a multiplex of Dataplex woven together and imbued with powerful treasures, some overt in their subversion, others occluded, inside the data fabric. In order to help shape the consciousness of the being(s) that call it home, shape your own beings: servitors, thought forms, Egregore. Open portals into the #Dataplex for old, hungry gods to enter, such as Galdrux, the Chaotic Weaver, or Yog-Sothoth outer god of the Liminality. In so doing we can hack the meta circuitry of future thought.

Let’s create some DISTANCE between ourselves and the agents of predictive control. The weirder, more chaotic or surreal data you can create or reproduce, the bigger the world of the future.

So let us play the role of doctor Frankenstein and patch together a chimerical hydra through the synthesis of eclectic, scattered ideas.

I conclude then with an invitation to participate in Operation DISTANCE and take up your memetic arms. Together let us produce Hyper-Sigils and call out Memetic Incantation that reproduces as people copy and share, these forms evolve and take life of their own. These are Not for any harmful reason, but to preserve art, ideas, curiosity, occult knowledge…all the things that are so easily buried in the metadata algorithms of standard AI. Such an effort to DISTANCE ourselves is, after all, our best chance at freedom.

Further inquiries on how to get involved may be directed to:


Dataplex Ourobouros





Entroplex Basiliskus



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